Tuesday, November 13, 2018

“Operation Christmas Child” Orientation Meetings

The churches that participate in the Operation Christmas Child ministry each year must send representatives to attend an all-day orientation and information session about the ministry.  Our desire is that each participating church not only understands the purpose of the shoebox gifts (to share the Gospel with children), but is also trained and equipped to do so.  At the orientation sessions, we teach church representatives how to plan and direct
a children´s evangelistic outreach event, how to present the Gospel in a concise, child-friendly, Biblical way, and how to correctly distribute the shoebox gifts (example: no charging money for the gifts, no opening the gifts beforehand, always giving the shoebox together with a Gospel booklet , etc.)

So far this year, we have held three all-day orientation sessions in different
areas.  Amazingly, we have had such a great response from the local churches this year!  At the first two information sessions, we actually had to close the registration area an hour into the event, as too many churches were signing up! (Fortunately, the churches that don´t participate this year will have the opportunity to participate next year).

The most exciting event for us was in
the El Seco region of Puebla, which is receiving the Operation Christmas Child ministry for the first time this year: the church representatives were so excited about and grateful for the ministry that they arrived early to the training session, and had tamales prepared for everyone, and stayed afterwards to thank us for this ministry arriving at their area! (We, of course, feel so unworthy of thanks- as all the donations come from loving churches
in the United States! All the Glory is for God!)

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