Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Discipleship Teacher Training Sessions

Not only does Operation Christmas Child equip and train local churches to share the Gospel, the ministry also equips and trains believers as children’s Bible teachers!  After the children around Mexico hear the Gospel and receive their shoebox gift, each church invites them to classes where they can study the Bible. 
Our regional OCC team has held 4 all-day training sessions around the state so far to train these future teachers.

At each session, we familiarize the teachers with their teacher discipleship guide books, demonstrate a sample children’s class, allow opportunities for them to practice sharing the
Gospel of salvation, and share ideas on how to motivate and celebrate the children with a graduation. 

We have double the number to teachers to train this year in order to be prepared to disciple double the number of children (as our region is receiving two truckloads of shoeboxes instead of just one). Already, we have trained over 400 teachers!  Though, our faith is not in our training sessions
but rather in the presence of the Holy Spirit in each teacher to use them with power to testify of Jesus Christ!

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