Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Donations for Ixcamilpa villages

A large part of Paco´s trip to the Ixcamilpa villages was dedicated to distributing donations to this area of great need, to in this way show God´s love and open opportunities to reiterate the Gospel message.  Many people were impacted!

-Don Sabas (blind from diabetes)- literally cried in gratitude upon receiving the 10 boxes of home dialysis treatment Paco had found on
sale, saying he had just been given another month of life!

-Doña Reyna- had been asking around the village for clothes for her grandchildren in need just this last month.  When Paco heard, he left the bags of donated clothing with her- and she excited separated children´s outfits for school, home, cold weather… and well as clothes for her whole family. She also promised to distribute the
remaining articles to other families in need in the village.

-Oliva, a nurse in the village, was especially thankful for the donations of medicines, saying her sick father desperately needed analgesics.  She even gave Paco homemade cookies in thanks!  She also promised to distribute the other medications to others with specific needs in the area

-Paco visited the village elementary school (1 teacher for 27 students in one classroom with 6 grade levels!) to deliver a bag of grains to each child to take to his home.  While there, he talked
with the teacher about needs for the school, and hopes to bring the white board markers, big academic posters (multiplication tables, alphabet, etc.), and a pressure cooker that the school currently needs on his next trip.

-On his way out of the region, Paco stopped by the county seat of Ixcamilpa to visit Pastor Domingo and his wife Liovi, of the only church in the county.  He left groceries and
grains for the church brothers, as well as donations of Bibles and children´s Gospel booklets.  There were brothers in their tiny congregation who have never had a Bible!  And the tiny church does not have a children´s ministry for lack of materials.  Pastor Domingo and his wife were so thankful!  Domingo already has someone in mind to give a Bible: a town drunk has been seeking him out to hear about God, and he wanted a
Bible to give to him.

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