Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Testimony Time from OCC Events!

En the El Seco region of Puebla, where churches participated for the first time with Operation Christmas Child, we held a testimony time after all the shoebox gift events to hear how the Lord used this ministry in their areas. The brothers were all joyful and thankful for these amazing materials! Every church that attended wanted to give testimony of how they witnessed God work through OCC!

-One pastor shared that he and his family took three shoeboxes to a single mother who had not been able to attend the event with her children.  While the pastor’s daughter shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the children and  the pastor gave them their shoebox gifts, the pastor’s wife was chatting with their mother.  She opened up and starting crying as she shared difficulties in her life.  The pastor and pastor’s wife prayed for her, and
explained that in the middle of all her problems she needed to restore her relationship with her Father and Creator God by trusting in Jesus Christ who died and rose again for her.  The mother prayed right there to dedicate her life to Jesus

-A sister from other church actually brought one of the children who had attended their event, heard the Gospel of Jesus for the first time, and received
his shoebox.  Eleven-year-old Cesar thanked Operation Christmas Child, in the microphone before everyone, for allowing him to know God, and expressed his desire to continue to learn more.

-Another explained that his church is in a dangerous area of drug- and gasoline- traffickers.  During the third discipleship class after their OCC event, a mother and grandmother of
some of the children entered.  The grandmother threatened the Bible teacher to stop teaching Jesus-nonsense, or else she would force the church to stop with her mafia connections.  The mother, however, signaled to the teacher to not release her children from the class at the grandmother’s command. The mother told the teacher after the threatening grandmother had left that she was willing to risk the wrath of her family, because she wanted her and her children to know the True God!!

After many other testimonies, the churches turned in written reports of their shoebox events with pictures that our state team can send to donors in the United States.
We praise the Lord, along with all these churches, for His salvation work through this incredible ministry!

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