Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Operation Christmas Child SHOEBOX Events

We are finishing up another season of Operation Christmas Child events!
Paco and I have the privilege of joining many of the churches in our area to supervise and support their children’s evangelistic events.  Many times, the churches need a reminder to distribute the Samaritan’s Purse Gospel booklets, or invite the children to the discipleship courses following the event; sometimes they need help in telling the Gospel of Jesus to the
children in a dynamic way, or passing out shoeboxes; or sometimes they need extra shoebox gifts if more children arrive unexpectedly.  And our reward is watching so many Mexican children pray to Jesus for the first time and open amazing gifts of love sent from so far away!

So many times, parents and children come to thank us, as if we were the ones to bring the gifts! We explain to
these thankful and humbled families that, not us, but many people who love God in other countries sent these gifts so that their children would know that God sees, loves and wants an eternal relationship with them.  

The events vary so much!  Many are in back yards or houses or village auditoriums where churches are just forming in unchurched communities.  (I plan on me and my children being covered in dirt during the events outside under trees or on dirt floors). 

Sometimes we get to participate in the events- I help the churches by presenting the Gospel to
the children. And, now that Jemina is two, she loves joining the games and dancing with other children.  (She has her mother’s love of dancing, and her enthusiasm can get the even the most shy crowd of children dancing J)

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