Wednesday, January 30, 2019

OCC Event at our Calvary Church!

Operation Christmas Child blessed not only other churches in our state, but our own church of Calvary Grace & Truth!  As we have recently moved to a new rented building, the OCC (Operation Christmas Child) materials allowed us to start spreading the Gospel to our new neighbors!

After inviting door-to-door, twenty children arrived for our party.  We
played games, danced to worship music, and, most importantly, shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ (who died to pay the punishment for our sins and rose again to offer eternal life to those who believe and follow Him).  Afterwards, each child received their shoebox gift- as a show of Jesus’ free gift of salvation offered to each of the in love. The children were awestruck!

Jemina was our little helper- dancing
alongside me, shouting “Jesus” and “cross” during the Gospel, giving out shoeboxes, and interacting with all the children J. 

One of the mothers talked with Paco for a while after the event.  Another, Paty, told me that she was excited to send her children to discipleship classes on Fridays- that she wouldn’t be able to take them personally because she studies until late.  She
mused, almost to herself, that for some strange reason she had been released early from school that day, which is why she had been able to bring 4 children to the party.  I laughed inwardly at her comment- immediately recognizing God’s orchestration in getting her and the four children to the party where they would hear the Gospel!

We thank God, and the many OCC
donors of shoeboxes, who made this evangelism in our community possible!

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