Friday, March 9, 2018

Continuing Children’s Classes in Ixcamilpa- in hot weather!

Another weekend in Ixcamilpa for children classes- but now in hot weather!
Though we are only in the first days of March, the high temperature this weekend was 100°F!!  And, with the heat, scorpion season started again: kids were telling us of people in the village that had been stung just that week and rushed to medical care.

As a teacher, a 4-week gap between
discipleship classes with the kids is tough!  I noticed this weekend that the confidence and relationships I had started to form with some of the children on the last visit had disappeared, and they were very timid again the first day with me.  But by the second day, they were hanging around to talk and more openly participating in class!  This week we had the important lesson about Jesus’ death and resurrection- I was overjoyed to
see awed understanding on the faces of the children when discussing how Jesus took our deserved punishment in our place.  After praying to receive Christ as Savior, even one of the older girls, with emotion in her eyes, approached to give one of our teachers a hug!

Paco did not have time to lead an adult Bible study, apart from the children’s classes- but did have the opportunity
to share the Gospel and have a deep, spiritual conversation with a couple who stopped by the auditorium to greet him. 

After the children’s classes, our team separated in groups to visit families in the village, to pray for them and share a passage of Scripture.   The people in the village are thrilled to have visitors (they feel loved and remembered), and were all very open to conversations
about God and Scripture.

For obvious reasons, we were very prayerful about taking a 4-month pregnant me and an 18-month old Jemina for a weekend in this heat- but the Lord was abundant to provide for us!  I felt great the whole trip (perhaps some foot swelling, but no headaches or weakness) and Jemina had a blast running around the village (though, admittedly, she had a very tough time sleeping in the car with me this trip- probably due to the heat). 

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