Friday, March 9, 2018

Paco and Lupe visit Ixcamilpa

Paco planned a trip to Ixcamilpa with a team of 6 other people… and everyone cancelled on him just 10 hours before leaving!
 He immediately started to pray for direction- he has not travelled to Ixcamilpa alone (because on difficult mountainous roads without cellphone service into scorpion-infested areas, a companion is a prudent idea!). However, he felt the Lord confirm that he should continue with the trip as
Just as he was loading up his gear to leave, his brother, Lupe, arrived, and asked to join him!!  Both set off confident that the Lord had plans for their trip!

They dedicated this trip to visiting the people in the village and teaching the Word.  About 12 people attended group Bible study with them on Monday and Tuesday evenings in the
village auditorium. 

The Lord was certainly guiding their conversations and steps.  As they were wandering outside the village one day, they came across a well.  At that moment, Anselma and her husband, Juan, were arriving with their donkey to load up water for their house.  They explained that they draw well water three days a week, making 7 trips each day to carry buckets of water to their
home.  Paco and Lupe offered to help carry water, and started a long conversation with the couple. 
Both expressed how grateful they are for the Bible that Paco had  given them, and how they have started to read it together.  They explained that years before they had asked the visiting priest to teach them the Bible, but he brushed them off explaining the Bible is only for priests, and they should not want to put him out of the
job!  Dissappointed, they had stopped attending mass.  But now, they were thankful for the Bible and Biblical teaching that Paco was bringing to the village. 

Paco marveled again how the Lord orchestrates these unplanned meetings which allow him to know and encourage the people in the Word.   

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