Friday, March 9, 2018

Mexico City “The Greatest Journey” Training though “Operation Christmas Child”

As part of the state “Operation Christmas Child” (OCC) team, Paco and I are trained to lead this ministry among the churches in our state of Tlaxcala. 
This month, I was invited (as the discipleship coordinator of our state) to special 3-day training for “The Greatest Journey” children’s
discipleship program in Mexico City. 

I was most encouraged meeting other OCC team members from around the country, and hearing their challenges and testimonies.  Some teams travel very great distances to train churches in their big states; many people travel hours (on foot!!) to arrive at their training sessions (without having vehicle access in their isolated areas); some ministries are slowed by druglords and kidnappings in dangerous areas of Mexico; and still, the Gospel is being spread to Mexican children!
Every time we gather as an OCC team I am reminded how much I love this ministry: which
has prayer and community and clearly presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ as top priorities. 

These conferences represented my first nights without Jemina since becoming a momma!  Paco was a fabulous “single-dad” for three days to allow me to attend.  I certainly enjoyed my mom-vacation, though was anxious to get home to my family at the end.  I thank the Lord for this

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