Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Hosting Ministry Conferences- in our new BIGGER space!

We have a BIGGER church building!
Actually, it is the same rented building, but, through a loving donation, we built a tent struture over the outside patio. Now, our church space practically doubled in size!

More size obviously means... more people capacity! 
For our first time ever, we organized and hosted conferences open to multiple churches in our area.  Members of 7 different churches joined us, y 6 pastores served as conference speakers. 

The conference theme: Serving like Jesus. 
Paco is passionate about discipling/training
members of our small church as a ministry team: a committed group of servants, after Jesus' own heart.  The conferences were geared toward applying  Christ's life example of service to ministry in our own congregations. 

It was FABULOUS to get to gather with brothers from multiple churches, and be challenged by Bible teaching from other pastors. 
We are already witnessing the fruits of the conferences in our church body- as brothers are
starting to arrive earlier to church, staying longer after service to help clean, and offering their time mid-week. We marvel to witness the work of the Holy Spirit in the people He is raising up for Him. 

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