Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Gifts of Food from Jesus to a hungry people!

I love all of Paco´s stories when he returns from ministry in the villages of Ixcamilpa! I have to share…

As soon as he arrives, Paco feels like a sort of Santa Claus in the villages-
When passing on the street, he overheard one child remark: “Momma, momma, look! It’s Hermano Paco! The one who brings gifts!” Though his donations come from many of you, he has the joy of delivering them to grateful people, along with the Gospel message.

Many children recognize Paco from our discipleship classes a couple years ago. One boy,
Alan, excitedly insisted his grandmother invite Paco to their house for lunch!  Alan shared that he had read his discipleship book many times since finishing the classes. (I praise God for lasting fruit in some of the kids there!)

The food bags were greatly appreciated. The village president and nurse helped Paco make a list of the people with greatest need for the 73 bags he brought in our packed car (so jam-packed, in fact, that 3 food bags had to stay behind). Paco reminded each grateful person who came for their bag that it was a gift from God who loves and sees them, and who is also offering them a greater, more lasting gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

Two elderly ladies arrived during the distribution who were not on the food bag list- one actually started to cry that she would not receive food! (these were obviously coveted gifts!) However, Paco rushed to reorganize the situation and made sure each lady received groceries. They left smiling!

In gratitude for all of his visits, Doña Mari tried to insist that Paco take one of her newborn piglets home with him! Paco was able to politely decline (I don’t know what I would do if Paco brought a pig to our house! We don´t even have a yard!). However, her gratitude was very sweet.

One couple told Paco there were down to their last bag of corn. However, it has not run out!  Don Chava and Doña Selerina have been receptive to the Word of God ever since Paco first arrived in their community- Chava is one of the blind men who faithfully listens to the audio Bible that we gave him. They testified that, in
answer to prayer, the Lord has faithfully provided food for them. They had expected their last bag of corn to run out over a month ago, but there are still a few cups left!  Paco left them money for another sack of corn and we pray that the Lord will multiple its contents in the same way.

Witnessing Chava and Selerina’s faithfulness in their desire to know God, Paco would love to stream our weekly church services to a screen at their house. The couple joyfully agreed to open their home as a mission to others who want to study the Bible. Paco said he did find a slight cell phone signal there (very difficult to find in the villages!) so he thinks it may be a possibility-
with lots of prayer and research and the right equipment.  Please pray with us for this goal for 2020- to set up a “tele-mission”!

New year, new mercies ... even in poor villages like those of Ixcamilpa...
We are so thankful to all those who minister alongside us! (even from far away!)

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