Monday, August 5, 2019

VBS Closing Ceremony and Potluck

Children and their families were invited to celebrate the week of fun and Bible learning at our Sunday service and potluck, where we would have a final opportunity to share the Gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ with our VBS guests.

During Paco’s Bible message, he included the 6 memory verses that we had taught during the week. While the adults were asked to “open their Bibles
and find” a specified verse, the children were asked to recite it by memory.  The parents and family members were amazed to hear the children, without help, recite 6 Bible verses by memory- revealing that they have hidden God’s Word in their hearts!

Many children and even their family members were excited to hear about our mid-week kids’ Bible club, where
the fun and learning of VBS continues every Friday.  We are praying that we will have regular contact with all the children!

After the service, the brothers of the church served the potluck meal that everyone had prepared for our guests.  Everyone was encouraged to see visitors and have the opportunity to serve them with love.  The event turned out to be as much of a blessing
for our church as the visitors- as they experienced the joy of serving.   

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