Monday, August 5, 2019

Invitation and Preparation for VBS

As the first Vacation Bible School at our church plant location, the (relatively new) church members had no idea what to expect at this event.  When most did not volunteer to participate, I was starting to sweat the weight of directing the majority of the event by myself. 

Our church announced a “spring clean” day the weekend before VBS, and many brothers arrived to cut grass, wash windows, and sanitize nursery toys. After cleaning, it was time to hang VBS decorations.

This year, a church lovingly donated many of the “In the Wild” VBS decorations for our use.  The
brothers of our tiny church plant marveled to see such elaborate decorations!  The box of materials we had received more than filled our small church building with a wild, jungle atmosphere. 

Just seeing the colorful decorations, and witnessing the transformation of our simple building into a jungle backdrop, our small congregation got so excited about the upcoming event!
Suddenly, many showed interest in volunteering their time.  Everyone suddenly wanted to help!  The combination of serving together (cleaning and decorating) and being a part of something big (an exciting VBS event) activated even some of the less participative members of the congregation.

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