Monday, August 5, 2019

A Second Week of VBS “In the Wild”! At Sister Church

Only one week of VBS is not enough! The week following VBS at our church plant (Calvary Grace & Truth), we lead the same “In the Wild” camp at our sister church (Horizonte Tlaxcala).  Though exhausting to lead VBS twice in one summer, we are blessed that the investment of time and money in the preparation of VBS can be used to bless more children and more churches. 

56 children participated in the camp! (Exactly 50 arrived the first day! A record high response for this area! We had to rush to prepare more materials- snacks, crafts, etc.- in anticipation of more children arriving the next day). 

The children obviously enjoyed themselves.  I was so pleased that even my 11-year-old nephew, Josué, approached me after the second day saying he loved VBS- he was having
so much fun.  I invite him every year but this was his first VBS to finally attend. He had thought they would sit at a desk and write all day- like traditional school.  Even my sister- and brother-in-law  (Paco’s brother’s family) attended the last day of camp.  Though they are still not Christians, I know the Lord used VBS to break down preconceived ideas about Christians and the church, to prepare their hearts to know Jesus.   

Two of the other children also brought their mother, Rocio, to join them during the last day.  She participated in all the activities- dancing, games, crafts…  And she prayed along with the children after sharing the Gospel message! I found her after the closing ceremony to congratulate her for seeking the Lord alongside her children, and showed her a Bible to explain where she could start reading
to grow in her relationship with the Lord on her own. She admitted that she will be criticized by her extended family for her decision, but is excited to know more along with her children.

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