Thursday, December 20, 2018

Prepare New Church Building!

We have rented our current church room for only ten months- and love the location, space and even price.  However, it has one major flaw: it is just one room!  This flaw is most obvious on Sunday mornings when we cannot offer children’s classes, or even nursery care, during worship service in the one room.  We have witnessed multiple times in the past months that families visit and desire to join the church, but are limited without Sunday
class opportunities for their children (as the adults cannot focus their attention on the worship service and Bible message themselves as they are caring for their young children).  Seeing this need, we started to pray…

The Lord answered our prayers and directed our attention to an unfinished house for rent- just a block away!  The living/dining room will be the main sanctuary, and the two bedrooms will
serve as children’s classrooms.  The house does not yet have a bathroom, but the owner will let our congregation use the bathroom in the adjacent house.  What an answer to prayer!

The house needs lots of work- patio, fence, windows and frames, doors, paint, bathroom, electricity… Paco, along with the help of others in the congregation when they have time, has started leveling the patio and installing
the fence.  He also got a first coat of paint on the walls.  Another believer is making and installing the windows. We still have a long way to go, but we are excited to start services at this new location on January 1st!

We believe that the Lord who provided this new space will be the One to fill it with people who desire to know and glorify Him!

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