Thursday, December 20, 2018

Distribute Shoebox Gifts

Once the “Operation Christmas Child” materials have been unloaded from the trucks into our storage area, they must then be distributed to all the participating churches in our region which will use them in Christmas events to share the Gospel with children.

Days of loading almost 20,000 shoebox gifts and Gospel booklets, along with 10,000 student workbooks and New Testaments into the cars of waiting churches is exhausting work!  However, it is also very joyful!  The pastors and believers who pick up the materials marvel at such an amazing, complete resource being placed in their hands without cost!  One pastor even had tears in
his eyes as he received it.  These low-income churches now have resources to minister, evangelize and disciple children in their areas; they are equipped for the work the Lord has called them to do.   

Our children loved helping this year!  Little 4-month-old, Asher, smiled at each believer who came to pick up materials, and was happily passed from hug to hug. Two-year-old, Jemina, “counted” (or at least tried to count) shoeboxes in each cardboard box, and pulled her own little dolly of shoeboxes out to the cars.  She would even unload them into the hands of the church members, and say “that’s all, brother” when they
had finished.  I love that Jemina and Asher, from such a young age, can experience serving others for the glory of God.

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