Tuesday, May 22, 2018


More 100 degree heat, more carsickness for Jemina, more bug-bites, more stories of scorpion-stings, more 4am travel... all to teach more children’s Bible classes (from “The Greatest Journey”) out in the isolated villages of Ixcamilpa.

Though the cost is great for each trek out to this desert region, the evidence of the Lord’s work there is so encouraging!

On this trip, just as the children’s
classes were starting, 9-year-old Janet walked by the village auditorium with her mother on her way to neighboring villages for weekly errands.  However, upon recognizing the classes, she begged her mother to allow her to stay and participate instead.  Not only did Janet happily join the classes, but her mother, with shopping bag in hand, sat to listen and observe all three classes herself- postponing her planned outings all morning!  Afterwards, she approached to comment, amazed, that Janet loved these classes and insisted on participating whenever we came to town, before once again rushing her daughter off to resume their day activities.  
We believe this reception to the Word of God in both children and parents of Ixcamilpa (such as in
Janet and her mother) is evidence of the Holy Spirit’s work in this distant community.

The village people continue to show so much love and gratitude for our visits. Elderly Mari again prepared us a meal of beans and tortillas at her humble home.  Then, upon noticing our little sweltering daughter in the strong heat, filled her wash basin with some of her precious/scarce water where we could bathe her.  Jemi was ecstatic: water play, and relief from the
heat!  She looked like one of the village babies splashing in the wash basin!  We see in Mari, and in many people of the village, the hospitality and love of offering the little they have to us in appreciation of our visits.  

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