Friday, March 9, 2018

Continuing Children’s Classes in Ixcamilpa- in hot weather!

Another weekend in Ixcamilpa for children classes- but now in hot weather!
Though we are only in the first days of March, the high temperature this weekend was 100°F!!  And, with the heat, scorpion season started again: kids were telling us of people in the village that had been stung just that week and rushed to medical care.

As a teacher, a 4-week gap between
discipleship classes with the kids is tough!  I noticed this weekend that the confidence and relationships I had started to form with some of the children on the last visit had disappeared, and they were very timid again the first day with me.  But by the second day, they were hanging around to talk and more openly participating in class!  This week we had the important lesson about Jesus’ death and resurrection- I was overjoyed to
see awed understanding on the faces of the children when discussing how Jesus took our deserved punishment in our place.  After praying to receive Christ as Savior, even one of the older girls, with emotion in her eyes, approached to give one of our teachers a hug!

Paco did not have time to lead an adult Bible study, apart from the children’s classes- but did have the opportunity
to share the Gospel and have a deep, spiritual conversation with a couple who stopped by the auditorium to greet him. 

After the children’s classes, our team separated in groups to visit families in the village, to pray for them and share a passage of Scripture.   The people in the village are thrilled to have visitors (they feel loved and remembered), and were all very open to conversations
about God and Scripture.

For obvious reasons, we were very prayerful about taking a 4-month pregnant me and an 18-month old Jemina for a weekend in this heat- but the Lord was abundant to provide for us!  I felt great the whole trip (perhaps some foot swelling, but no headaches or weakness) and Jemina had a blast running around the village (though, admittedly, she had a very tough time sleeping in the car with me this trip- probably due to the heat). 

Mexico City “The Greatest Journey” Training though “Operation Christmas Child”

As part of the state “Operation Christmas Child” (OCC) team, Paco and I are trained to lead this ministry among the churches in our state of Tlaxcala. 
This month, I was invited (as the discipleship coordinator of our state) to special 3-day training for “The Greatest Journey” children’s
discipleship program in Mexico City. 

I was most encouraged meeting other OCC team members from around the country, and hearing their challenges and testimonies.  Some teams travel very great distances to train churches in their big states; many people travel hours (on foot!!) to arrive at their training sessions (without having vehicle access in their isolated areas); some ministries are slowed by druglords and kidnappings in dangerous areas of Mexico; and still, the Gospel is being spread to Mexican children!
Every time we gather as an OCC team I am reminded how much I love this ministry: which
has prayer and community and clearly presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ as top priorities. 

These conferences represented my first nights without Jemina since becoming a momma!  Paco was a fabulous “single-dad” for three days to allow me to attend.  I certainly enjoyed my mom-vacation, though was anxious to get home to my family at the end.  I thank the Lord for this

Paco and Lupe visit Ixcamilpa

Paco planned a trip to Ixcamilpa with a team of 6 other people… and everyone cancelled on him just 10 hours before leaving!
 He immediately started to pray for direction- he has not travelled to Ixcamilpa alone (because on difficult mountainous roads without cellphone service into scorpion-infested areas, a companion is a prudent idea!). However, he felt the Lord confirm that he should continue with the trip as
Just as he was loading up his gear to leave, his brother, Lupe, arrived, and asked to join him!!  Both set off confident that the Lord had plans for their trip!

They dedicated this trip to visiting the people in the village and teaching the Word.  About 12 people attended group Bible study with them on Monday and Tuesday evenings in the
village auditorium. 

The Lord was certainly guiding their conversations and steps.  As they were wandering outside the village one day, they came across a well.  At that moment, Anselma and her husband, Juan, were arriving with their donkey to load up water for their house.  They explained that they draw well water three days a week, making 7 trips each day to carry buckets of water to their
home.  Paco and Lupe offered to help carry water, and started a long conversation with the couple. 
Both expressed how grateful they are for the Bible that Paco had  given them, and how they have started to read it together.  They explained that years before they had asked the visiting priest to teach them the Bible, but he brushed them off explaining the Bible is only for priests, and they should not want to put him out of the
job!  Dissappointed, they had stopped attending mass.  But now, they were thankful for the Bible and Biblical teaching that Paco was bringing to the village. 

Paco marveled again how the Lord orchestrates these unplanned meetings which allow him to know and encourage the people in the Word.   

Valentine's Day Bowling with Youth

For Valentine’s Day, we took the youth group bowling!  Not one of our youth had ever been bowling!  Their bowling knowledge was based solely on videogames and movie scenes.  It was a completely new experience for them.

We had a blast!  Apparently, David, one of our youth, has a natural talent for bowling.  Afterwards, we played pool there at the bowling alley, and stopped by McDonald’s for fries before
coming home.  It was a special time of fellowship. 

Our youth group has changed so much in the past couple years, as youth move away, start families, and get jobs.  Though we are now a very small group, we love to see each of these precious youth fully committed to following Christ with their lives.  We love them. 

Pastors' Conferences in Cuernavaca

Our church movement, Calvary Chapel, holds yearly conferences to encourage the Mexican pastors around the country.  These conferences are very special for Paco- who felt his calling to be a pastor and missionary at one of these same conferences years ago, before we even met.  This year, the conferences in Cuernavaca were equally challenging and encouraging. 

First we were reminded of Paul’s
“thorn in the flesh” which the Lord denied healing, so that He would be glorified in Paul’s weakness.  Paco immediately connected with Paul- as he has been suffering from constant back pain due to two herniated lumbar discs, which apparently “limit” his ministry.  He was reminded from this passage that this pain is not to limit him but rather to glorify God.

We were both convicted of the need to
pray more- being reminded that “if you are not praying, get out of ministry!”  Since returning, our passion and commitment to prayer has been renewed. 

Finally, hearing stories from other pastors, Paco was encouraged about our ministry at the church plant in Misiones- which sometimes seems slow to practically nonexistent as families come and go irregularly.  He
was reminded that the fruits depend on the Lord, and that our responsibility is simply to be faithful where He has called us.  His passion for church planting in this difficult region has been renewed.

The conferences were a double blessing as they gave us the opportunity to fellowship with our good friends and co-laborers from Pan De Vida Orphanage in Queretaro,
along with their beautiful daughter.