Tuesday, August 22, 2017

VBS in Misiones Community: Submerged!

Vacation Bible School at our church plant in Misiones brought new challenges due to our limited space and limited crew- but new opportunities to see the Lord provide and work!


Our rented church space is only approximately 12ft x 12ft- a very small room for active kids! However, the
Lord multiplied that small space to attend the 30 children that participated in VBS this week (between 16-25 kids each day)- most who had not heard the Gospel of Jesus before!


We saw the Lord work: each day, two girls would excitedly inform me that they had looked up the Bible story
and memory verse from the previous day in their family Bible at home, and that is said exactly what we had learned! (I loved to see them excited to study the Bible on their own!). 

During kitchen time one day, before eating their snack, the leader announced it was time to give thanks, and Alex (5 years old) immediately responded: Thank you. However, the leader explained that we also give
thanks to God, in prayer, for the food, because it is from Him.  I marveled that even the idea of praying and thanking God before a meal was such a new idea for these children!


I got a terrible cold the first day of VBS, and each subsequent morning I awoke feeling horrible and without a voice! How could I lead VBS without a
voice?!  However, the Lord amazed me and answered my prayers by giving me strength and a voice each day of the camp.


We met lots of new families though VBS, as parents dropped their kids off or asked about the games.  Paco even had the opportunity to share the Gospel with a couple moms who were
waiting to pick up their children.


So thankful for all the Lord did in Misiones and these precious children during VBS!!


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