Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Puppet Show Evangelism

Summer evangelism continued in the Misiones community…
with a puppet show!


A group from our neighbor church presented the story of “Lanita the Sheep”: a little lamb who strayed from her Good Shepherd and found a deceitful magician, whose promises to prosper her life only resulted in pain
and sorrow, before the Good Shepherd found her and led her again to green pastures. 


Quite a crowd of both children and adults gathered even in the afternoon rain (the audience huddled under umbrellas to watch the show).  After the presentation, Paco shared the Gospel message that Jesus is our
Good Shepherd, and that we can come to him after having strayed away from God into sin to receive forgiveness and eternal life.  Then, we passed out evangelistic tracts to all the audience and bystanders. 


We also used the event to announce the upcoming VBS in Misiones that week, and many children who
attended the show signed up to participate!


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