Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Open-Air Closing VBS Ceremony

We used our Vacation Bible School closing ceremony as yet another opportunity to continue our summer open-air evangelism in Misiones.


And it definitely drew a crowd!  Curious moms and interested children all gathered to watch our VBS children share their worship dances and memory verses from the week.  3 d
ifferent parents asked if their children could participate in the closing ceremony, even though they had not attended any part of VBS during the week!  Why not?!, I responded, and the children joined the others and tried to follow their dance moves.


During the ceremony, I shared a small summary of the Bible story and
message from each day.  As I shared our Wednesday lesson, of Jesus telling Nicodemus that those who believe in Him will have eternal life, a 5-year-old Alejandro suddenly exclaimed: “Wait! We already heard this story!”  I laughed that it had only then dawned on him that we were reviewing the lessons from the week, and that evidently the message of eternal life in Jesus was already very present in him memory!!


We pray that these children and their families would continue to search out truth in Jesus Christ.


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