Thursday, April 7, 2016

Pool and Park Day with Youth

Yay! Spring break in Mexico!  But, what fun is spring break without an outing in the sun?


Our youth group spent a day at a pool and park about an hour away from us.  It was the perfect opportunity to invite other youth kids to join our group, and we had one new boy and a few infrequent members join along for the
fun!  We pray that they will feel comfortable to join our weekly Bible studies as well.


Unfortunately, the day was very cloudy and cool- definitely not pool weather.  Even so, the weather could not stop our fun!  We played kickball, soccer, volleyball, charades and card games.  Four of the youth (including
Paco) were even brave enough to get in the water, though they turned varying shades of blue from the cold J.  Everyone enjoyed lunch- which Paco grilled there at the park. 


We praise the Lord to see the friendships that He is forming among these special youth.


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