Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Youth Group Quinceañera Party for Anita

Traditionally, when a Mexican girl turns 15 years old, she is celebrated with a huge party- similar in scale to a wedding celebration.  However, when Anita, one of our youth girls, turned 15 this month, she insisted that her parents not spend the money on the traditional, elaborate festivities.


But our youth group could not let Anita go uncelebrated on her special day! We planned a surprise “quiceañera”- and all the youth participated to make the event extra special. Some topped the cupcakes, others decorated the house, some led games, others directed the “waltz” (their own wacky impression of a very serious 15-yr-old waltz), and everyone filmed a celebration video of our congratulations. 


Anita was not the only one touched by their efforts: Paco and I were so impressed at the youth´s planning and service to make Anita feel loved.  May it be the love and service of Christ being formed in their hearts!

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