Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Samaritan´s Purse Trailer Arrives!

In mid-January, the long-awaited Samaritan´s Purse trailer arrived in the state of Tlaxcala, full of shoebox gifts and “Operation Christmas Child” materials!  (Though the shoeboxes arrived after Christmas in Tlaxcala this year, the children will still be equally excited to receive gifts and hear about Jesus.)


Though tiring, the experience of unloading all the boxes of shoebox gifts and Gospel booklets (all 9500 of them approximately!) is very exciting, as we imagine each one of them being delivered into the hands of a Mexican child who will hear the message of salvation in Jesus Christ.


After hours of unloading, all the boxes
are counted, sorted by age, and distributed to the participating churches in the state of Tlaxcala, where each will be given to a child in their evangelistic event. We love this ministry!


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