Wednesday, February 3, 2016

“Preaching the Word” Conference in Puebla

Paco and other members of our local congregation attended a conference in Puebla this month on “Preaching the Word”, which highlighted the importance of expositive preaching directly from the Bible, instead of other sources. 


Solid teaching!  We are so blessed that members of our church could learn at this event- especially this year when our church focus is to train both adults and youth to teach the Bible (we have multiple men rotating to preach on Sundays, and Paco has been discipling some of the youth to teach during our youth studies).


Apart from the benefit for our own church, we rejoice that other churches in our area have the opportunity to grow in expositive preaching of the Bible.  Many of the conference attendees were interested in finding churches that focus on Bible teaching, or learning more about teaching the Bible verse-by-verse. 


May the Lord fill all of Tlaxcala and Puebla with a knowledge of His Word!

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