Thursday, August 14, 2014

Vacation Bible School: "Train to Win"!!

Wow- God blessed VBS!  Approximately 50 children, both from our congregation and the surrounding areas, attended our week-long camp, themed “Train to Win” (soccer theme- for the World Cup craze that caught up even Mexican children J) based on the life and biblical book of Joshua.


Each day, a Bible lesson was taught, focusing on Joshua´s obedience to his “trainer” (God) and his “victory” in the promised  land with God´s power and blessing.  Following the lesson, the children rotated through 4 stations of activities which reinforced the Biblical message in a fun and different way: music/choreography, arts & crafts, sports & games, and kitchen crafts.   For example, they painted trophies to represent our victory in Christ (Rom
8:37), practiced soccer drills to remember the Bible training we need to succeed (Jos 1:8), crafted an edible tortilla-sun to remember God’s miraculous answer to our prayers (Eph 3:20), sang their decision to be on Christ’s team for the rest of their lives (Jos 24:15), and much more!


God’s blessing was obvious in many ways: perfect, sunny weather (though we are right in the middle of rainy season in Tlaxcala), many adult/youth volunteers from the congregation (when most had earlier said they would not be able to participate, the Lord changed many schedules in the last minute!), memorization of daily Bible verse by almost every child (even the littlest
ones!!), and more.  Even though Paco struggled with intense back-pain one day, the Lord strengthened him to continue serving the following.


Almost every child participate attended the closing ceremony at Sunday service- and four new families attended to watch their
child’s participation!  We pray that the Lord would continue to call these families to know Him, and that the seed of God’s truth and salvation would continue to grow in the heart of each child.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you guys for sharing God's love and talents so good.

    It looks amazing the work that the Lord is doing in your community.

    Blessings to you and your mininstry
