Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Pastors' Conferences: Adventure in Mexico City

Paco had the blessing of attending the yearly Calvary Chapel Pastors´ Conferences in Mexico City along with four other leaders from our congregation.  The 3-day event of worship, teaching, and fellowship is anticipated by Paco all year long.  It was at just such a conference years ago that Paco first felt his calling from the Lord to become a pastor, and therefore is a special event.

However, the trip was more of an adventure than Paco or the group
had anticipated!  They experienced the thrills and chills of Mexico City for themselves.  On the underground metro, they were shoved along with crazy crowds, Paco´s backpack got stuck in the metro door, they missed their stop, and the metro broke down mid-route and they were left sitting in a dark tunnel for the repairs.

Then, at night, they followed instructions to the cheap hotels, which, to their utter shock, were surrounded by transvestites and prostitutes.  They walked from hotel to hotel and did not find any vacancies!  There they were in the middle of sketchy downtown Mexico City at midnight with no hotel!  (Just like out of a movie!)  But, by the Lord´s grace, they eventually found a hotel, which, though more pricey than their budget, was much safer than earlier options.

Praise God for His care for them in the big city, and His Word spoken to their lives at the conferences!

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