Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Noah's Ark Sunday School Lesson

My Sunday School class is finishing a lesson series on Noah- his obedience to God in a very corrupt world, and his salvation by faith. 

With our lesson on the flood, we flooded a miniature model of Noah´s world with water, as a visual for the children of the expanse of the destruction. 
It was so effective!  Right before the “downpour”, the children spotted a bug in the model, which they frantically tried to save by placing it on the ark, where it would float away from danger.  But the bug resisted!  The children became very forceful, telling the bug: “Don´t you know that a flood is coming to kill you?  You have to get on the ark to be saved!”  Unfortunately, the bug
was an adamant non-believer and was engulfed by the downpour, like the great majority of the world in Noah´s time.

The “bug” became a perfect example for the children of people who refuse to believe in God and his coming judgment, who live ignoring God´s call to repent and live for Him.  The message was so much more meaningful with the
(God-provided) visual representation!

May these children heed God´s call for the rest of their lives, remembering that salvation is only in Him!

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