Friday, September 6, 2019

Youth from Pan de Vida Orphanage

We reconnected with your beloved family from Pan de Vida Orphanage! (where we had lived and served for over 6 years before church planting here in Puebla).

The Pan de Vida youth group travelled to our church here for their 3 day youth camp.  Their awesome youth leaders had planned a busy weekend: devotional time in the Word, a service project (painting areas of our church
building), and adventure (climbing the Malinche Mountain).  Paco enjoyed taking them up the mountain- a favorite (though exhausting) activity of his.  I loved catching up with friends from the orphanage!- some of the girls I barely recognized as they have turned into young women!

Though the 15 youth slept on the floor of our church building, bathed in public bath-houses, and were sore
from over 8 hours of mountain climbing, they had a great time.  Our church body was pleased to receive them, and the brothers provided a potluck lunch for the youth before they started their trip back home. 

We love to see the Lord blessing the beloved ministry at Pan de Vida, and maintaining ministry contact with our family there.

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