Friday, September 6, 2019

Homeschool Preschool for Jemina

Our 3-year-old started school- at home!
We have had a fabulous start- the whole family is enjoying the experience so far. I love one-on-one “play” time with Jemina for reading and activities!  Jemina actually asks for “school” each day.  Even though our curriculum is in English, Paco is very involved and takes over some of the learning activities, like cooking with Jemi or teaching hammer use!

However, even with our great start, I completely recognize I depend on the guidance of the Holy Spirit each day- such a big responsibility to educate at home!  (And it requires so much patience and discipline! Ah!!)

I started to doubt my homeschool plan the week before starting: when her face fell to discover that her “school” would be here at the house.  Her dream of backpack-wearing, sandwich-eating, recess-playing school days was crushed.  But, after her Papá prepared a convincing “school space” in the living room, and she experienced special time with momma, she was sold. 

Just yesterday, the Lord confirmed in my heart our homeschooling decision, when we saw our 6-year-old nephew come home from public school without a front tooth, which a bully had punched out of his face (in second grade)!!. Talking to Paco’s sisters and brothers at the congregation, I am appalled anew at the state of public schools here in Mexico.  Very scary, very sad.  I have no end of praise to my Lord for blessing us with the time and means of educating our children at home- with His grace. 

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