Thursday, September 13, 2018

Sunday “Agape” at Calvary

The first Sunday of every month is “Agape” Sunday at our church plant: besides normal worship and Bible teaching, we also include a testimony time (where a different brother each month shares his testimony of coming to faith in Jesus Christ), Lord’s supper (partaking of bread and wine), and a potluck meal.  The fellowship is very special on these Agape Sundays!

This specific Agape brought a full
house! We had standing room only at our tiny church room!  4 brothers did not have a chair for the service.
We loved to witness not only new people joining us this Sunday, but also regular members stepping up to serve without being asked: giving up their seats to newcomers, greeting at the door, serving the food during the meal, cleaning up the plates and folding chairs…

The Lord is obviously forming servant hearts in the brothers of Calvary, as well as a true family of faith who love and care for each other.

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