Thursday, September 13, 2018

New Teachers at Kids’ Bible Club

With Asher’s birth, I was resigned to have to cancel mid-week kids’ club for a few weeks during my maternity leave, though I was concerned that I would lose contact with the attending children for future classes.  In the weeks before Asher’s arrival, the church body was praying with us for continuity in the children’s ministry at
the church even after my baby’s delivery.
And the Lord responded to our prayers!  Fiorella and Anita, the two young women who assist me with the kids’ club, offered to teach the class themselves during the weeks of my maternity leave!  They divided up the activity preparation between the two
of them (like the craft and games, and the worship songs and Bible story) so that the class would be complete every week.  And they are in contact with me for materials and ideas for the classes. 

They are such a God-send!  They prepare their classes with love and
prayers, and the children love them.

We continue to pray for the children of Calvary: a neighboring family that would send 3-4 children to the kids’ club moved away this month, so attendance has dropped.  We pray that the Lord would draw other children in to know Jesus for eternal life. 

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