Thursday, September 13, 2018

OCC Planning among 4 states!

Our state of Tlaxcala is part of a regional OCC team in Mexico composed of four states: Veracruz, Tamaulipas, Puebla and Tlaxcala.  This last week, our Tlaxcala team had the honor and responsibility of receiving the three other state teams in our area for a planning and training session for the new OCC season that initiated last month.  We shared our specific state challenges as well as encouraged and prayed for one another.  The goal this
OCC season is to reach one million Mexican children with the Gospel!  Our state of Tlaxcala will be receiving two (not one but two!) trailers of materials this year to reach 20,000 children – quite a challenge for us as the smallest state in Mexico (we are the “Rhode Island” of the country, so to speak).  We depend on the Lord for mighty miracles in our region during this ministry season. 

Out-Of-Town OCC (Operation Christmas Child) Discipleship Conferences

Samaritan’s Purse carefully trains all of its Operation Christmas Child (OCC) state teams in Mexico so that we, in turn, can train the participating churches to disciple our nation’s children in the truth of the Gospel.

I attended a three-day training session in the city of Toluca, four hours away from our home in Tlaxcala.  Two new volunteers to OCC from our state joined me for the training.  As always,
I return home from these sessions even more passionate about this ministry which provides materials for children’s ministry, and allows me the privilege of training churches to evangelize and disciple children around them (fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ!). 

Besides the other two Tlaxcala women, Asher Obed also joined me during the three day trip.  At only 6
weeks old, Asher is already being trained in children’s ministry J.  He was such a quiet, well-behaved baby during all the conferences, and was loved by all the OCC team.

“Frozen” Birthday Party

Our daughter, Jemina Mercy, turned two years old on August 7th. What a reason to celebrate!! Not only is she the fulfillment of the Lord’s promise to us to give us children, but she is also living testimony of His healing power as she was released from her emergency hospital care just weeks before.

Our church body joined in celebrating with a “Frozen”-themed birthday party.  Jemi was dressed as her favorite character: Anna.  She was so excited about her dress that she actually stopped ladies on the street walking to her party to show off her dress!  And her joy when she saw the decorations and the cake!- magical! 

The whole church participated in the event: making and hanging decorations, preparing the snacks, bagging candies, cooking and serving the tamales, participating in the games, cleaning up afterwards… The party was really a church event- as her family of faith acts like a real family for her.  The event was even more special with her “Tia” (Aunt Catherine- my sister) visiting. 

There are no words to thank the Lord for our princess, or for our church family who loves us and her. 

Sunday “Agape” at Calvary

The first Sunday of every month is “Agape” Sunday at our church plant: besides normal worship and Bible teaching, we also include a testimony time (where a different brother each month shares his testimony of coming to faith in Jesus Christ), Lord’s supper (partaking of bread and wine), and a potluck meal.  The fellowship is very special on these Agape Sundays!

This specific Agape brought a full
house! We had standing room only at our tiny church room!  4 brothers did not have a chair for the service.
We loved to witness not only new people joining us this Sunday, but also regular members stepping up to serve without being asked: giving up their seats to newcomers, greeting at the door, serving the food during the meal, cleaning up the plates and folding chairs…

The Lord is obviously forming servant hearts in the brothers of Calvary, as well as a true family of faith who love and care for each other.

Unload “The Greatest Journey” Discipleship materials

Even before the shoebox gifts arrive in December for Operation Christmas Child, boxes of discipleship materials arrive to prepare teachers and churches to instruct the children after receiving their shoebox. 
Though a much smaller load than the shoebox trailer, these boxes of materials must also be unloaded, counted and stored in preparation for their use in training the churches in the next month.
This year, we had special help with our unloading: Jemina loved moving the boxes on her tiny dolly.  May her love for ministry at this age continue and grow along with her J .

Searching for Churches for “Operation Christmas Child”

Christmas has started… in August!
The new ministry season for Operation Christmas Child starts in August each year as our state team starts to search for churches to participate in this ministry. 
As always, the work involves driving from town to town, knocking on doors, and asking where to find “Bible studies” or “Hallelujahs” (as Christians are sometimes mockingly called here). 

This year, we pray to find double the churches because we will be receiving double the shoebox evangelism gifts: instead of 1 trailer of material (for 10,000 children), we will receive 2 trailers!! Material to evangelize 20,000 children!!  Though this challenge will require double the effort and
work hours, we also pray it will result in double to fruits of eternal life in Mexican children.
Paco always returns with stories of his search for churches in the communities: 
This month, he asked a group of women with children walking along the road about Christian churches in the area.  They answered: “Yes, we know of one. And we will show you if
you give us a ride” (the poor women we obviously overheated walking in the sun with so many children).  Paco opened the door and 7 children and 3 women piled into the 4 empty seats of our car!  What a load!  We trust the Lord uses even these brief encounters to reveal His love to these communities.

Jesús accepts Christ

A new family joined our congregation in May- starting with their 9 year-old son at our mid-week kids’ club, then the mother for Sunday service, and then the father started attending.  At that time, they also asked our church to be praying for their 17-year-old son, Jesus, who was in alcohol rehabilitation, as they were very concerned for his lifestyle and desirous of him to accept Christ and join the church fellowship as they had.

When Jesús was released from rehab in August, he started attending church with his family, and even more exciting, he was open to receive Biblical counselling along with his family. 
Paco started visiting once a week, and, as a family, they not only studied Bible passages, but also shared their past hurts and verbally forgave each other as a family.  Paco marveled- a family that is open to exhortation and forgiveness was obviously the work of the Holy Spirit!

At one counselling session with his family, Jesus expressed his desire to change from his previous wild lifestyle.  As Paco explained that only Jesus Christ can make us new creatures and guide us to change to live lives pleasing to Him Jesús expressed true interest in giving his life to Christ as His Lord.  He prayed right there, before his family and Paco as witnesses.

The following Sunday at worship service, he agreed to share his decision for Christ with the rest of the congregation.  We were amazed that he was willing to make his decision so public- such evidence of a true desire for Christ!  Our whole church family gives thanks and prays for what Christ has already done in him, and what He will continue to do!  

Women’s gathering

At our monthly women’s gathering at Calvary, we studied together 1 Thessalonians 1 about the Biblical characteristics of a new church, which we strive achieve as a new church body ourselves.
Afterwards, we took Fiorella, one of our beloved women out to lunch.  Fiorella and the other women at our small church are struggling through very tough situations, but we rejoice to see each of them striving to trust their
God in the trials.