Friday, June 29, 2018

Visit to Pan de Vida Orphanage, Queretaro

Now 6 years have passed since the Lord called us out of our home and ministry at the Pan de Vida Orphanage in Queretaro, Mexico.  However, our friends and residents there are still our beloved family. We had the joy of visiting the city and orphanage for four days this month- which, of course, is never enough time to catch up with everyone in our heart.  This was Jemina’s first visit to Queretaro; after having left Pan de Vida with a double
infertility diagnosis, it was with great joy that our friends there met our daughter Jemina Mercy and witnessed my impressive 7.5month pregnant baby bump with our son.    

As always, I marvel to witness how the Lord has sustained and prospered His work at Pan de Vida Orphanage- through many changes and many challenges, the ministry continues to thrive.  We saw many new faces (both
volunteers and children) and many old friends- and the Lord uses them all for His glory.  My faith was strengthened, as well as my prayers for the orphanage, after our special visit. 

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