Friday, June 29, 2018

Men's Father's Day Grill

The men of our church plant, Calvary Grace & Truth, gathered to celebrate Father’s Day with a grill night!  It was a great time of fellowship for all the men- though a wide range of ages, professions, and even nationalities among the small group.  All took turns at the grill preparing the steaks, and all heartily enjoyed the meal- which, for their budgets, is a special treat.

The men then worshipped the
Heavenly Father in song, and Paco taught from the Bible about Gideon’s life and calling as an example of how the Lord calls and uses them as men.

After the message, the grill was relit and the leftovers were heated for the party to continue late into the night.  Paco rejoiced to see the men participating and enjoying fellowship together as this new body. 

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