Saturday, June 30, 2018

Church Maintenance Day

Renting a church building (or room, in our case J) requires regular upkeep.  This month, we opened the invitation to our small-but-growing church body to participate in maintaining the facilities- with an enthusiastic response! 5 people joined Paco at 7am to pull weeks, clean windows and doors, scrub bathroom, and build shelves for Bibles and children’s materials. After a few hours of work, the group went out for a well-deserved
“carnitas” breakfast. 

The results of the morning of hard work were not only a clean, maintained worship area, but also a testimony of love to our two neighbors (who were surprised when the group pulled weeds from their patios as well!), and a sweet time of fellowship, where one of the new men to the congregation had the opportunity to know other members of the church. 

VBS Planning Meeting

Our Vacation Bible School quickly approaches, starting July 13th!  We praise the Lord for a committed team of brothers from the church working together to make this camp God-glorifying and child-attractive.  After yet another VBS planning meeting at our house this week, we continue to be excited and prayerful about the plans the Lord has for our church, community and children with our
“Game On” VBS this summer. 

Friday, June 29, 2018

Visit to Pan de Vida Orphanage, Queretaro

Now 6 years have passed since the Lord called us out of our home and ministry at the Pan de Vida Orphanage in Queretaro, Mexico.  However, our friends and residents there are still our beloved family. We had the joy of visiting the city and orphanage for four days this month- which, of course, is never enough time to catch up with everyone in our heart.  This was Jemina’s first visit to Queretaro; after having left Pan de Vida with a double
infertility diagnosis, it was with great joy that our friends there met our daughter Jemina Mercy and witnessed my impressive 7.5month pregnant baby bump with our son.    

As always, I marvel to witness how the Lord has sustained and prospered His work at Pan de Vida Orphanage- through many changes and many challenges, the ministry continues to thrive.  We saw many new faces (both
volunteers and children) and many old friends- and the Lord uses them all for His glory.  My faith was strengthened, as well as my prayers for the orphanage, after our special visit. 

Men's Father's Day Grill

The men of our church plant, Calvary Grace & Truth, gathered to celebrate Father’s Day with a grill night!  It was a great time of fellowship for all the men- though a wide range of ages, professions, and even nationalities among the small group.  All took turns at the grill preparing the steaks, and all heartily enjoyed the meal- which, for their budgets, is a special treat.

The men then worshipped the
Heavenly Father in song, and Paco taught from the Bible about Gideon’s life and calling as an example of how the Lord calls and uses them as men.

After the message, the grill was relit and the leftovers were heated for the party to continue late into the night.  Paco rejoiced to see the men participating and enjoying fellowship together as this new body. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Women´s study and fellowship

Calvary Grace & Truth is growing!  
We have rejoiced to witness in the past couple months since starting at our new location that new families are joining the church.  Many are women experiencing serious problems in their children, finances, and families.  

We planned a special women’s Bible study and fellowship time to be encouraged together through the Word of God in problems, as well as cover one another in prayer for their

Every seat in the room was full- with new members and guests, and even an unbelieving family member who attended with her daughter.  After a time of worship music, I led a Bible study on seeking Jesus in problems, and then, in groups, the women prayed together.  Our faith is renewed in Jesus, who defeated the grave!, to also work sovereign and powerfully in the problems of these women as well!

Bible study with nearby village pastor

During Paco’s trip to Ixcamilpa, he made an effort to visit the homes of the families he knows in great need and those that have shown an interest in the Word of God.

When visiting Don Chava (blind) and his wife, Selerina, he was surprised and pleased to hear that they had already listened to the entire New Testament on the audio Bible they had been given in March.  Chava was so impacted by the message of the Truth that he said he no longer fears death!  Selerina gave testimony that she had also been approaching the Lord daily in prayer, and that the Lord had responded!: her distant son, who had not talked with his parents in 12
years, called last month to ask their forgiveness and express a desire to be part of their lives again!  A parents’ dream! And a miracle that only God can work!

As Paco witnessed the impact of the Word of God on the lives of the people, he wished they could have more frequent Bible teaching than just his monthly trips.   And, on this trip, he found a pastor of a small (12
person) church in the county seat town of Ixcamilpa.
Paco was received into Pastor Domingo’s home where he shared his desire for the smaller villages of the county to receive regular Bible teaching.  Domingo accepted joining Paco for his evening Bible study in the Buenavista village the following night.  He is of very humble means, and limited Bible training himself, but has a heart for the Lord.  
As they discussed the ministry, the pastor commented that the Lord had given him a dream years earlier of many people coming out of the Ixcamilpa villages to know and serve the Lord, but that God had told him a minister from outside the community would start the revival, and that Domingo would work with him.  Though he did not know if the dream referred specifically to Paco, he was interested in witnessing the ministry
and seeing how the Lord would lead them.
We pray that they can continue to work together on future trips to minister in the small villages of Ixcamilpa to spread the Gospel of God’s love.

Delivery of grains and food staples to Ixcamilpa villages

Not only are these summer months the hottest but also the scarcest time of year for the villages of Ixcamilpa.  June falls between their harvests, meaning that their crops from the last harvest are almost depleted but their new crops are still not ready to harvest.  Food is scarce. 

Friends in the villages had explained this truth to Paco on earlier visits, so he planned a food and grain donation trip
out beginning of June- with the help of brothers near and far.

He delivered the bags of food at the public schools of Cuatlaxtecoma and Buenavista villages, at his evening Bible study in Buenavista, and door-to-door at the homes of the elderly and disabled in the area.

The people were so grateful for the gifts of food- especially for the dried
beans!  They commented that beans were especially scarce in the village- difficult to find even at the local stores for purchase. 

The lack of food as well as the over 100 degree heat creates a difficult living situation for these communities.  Paco mentioned that even after dark he felt the heat of his cot through his jeans as he was lying down! 
We had been concerned that he would be travelling alone out to Ixcamilpa- a region without hospitals or cellphone service or easy car access- on this three-day trip.  However, the Lord provided for him!  The night before he left, his brother José called to offer to join Paco on his trip, even using his vacation days from work for this arduous outing. Praise the Lord!

Missions´ Night- packing food for Ixcamilpa

Before his recent trip to the Ixcamilpa villages, Paco led a missions´ night here at our church plant, Calvary Grace & Truth, with a focus on the isolated communities of Ixcamilpa, Puebla.   
The purpose was to introduce the new families of our church plant to the needs and ministry occurring in this hard-to-reach area since being shaken by the September 2017 earthquake.  

Paco shared a photo presentation of his
visits during the past 8 months- the people, the living situation, the ministry opportunities.  Then we dedicated a time of prayer for specific families and needs in the community.  Finally, we packed kilos and kilos of grains to deliver to the villages during this scarce time of year: varieties of beans and rice.  
May the Lord’s heart for this area spread to His Church here!