Thursday, November 9, 2017

Wheelchair for Don Rey!

         Unable to walk, Don Rey, for years, has sat in his cement room in the village of Buenavista all alone.  Though a friendly neighbor brings him food and keeps his room clean, his world is very small.  At times, in desperation, he drags himself to the village center: through the donkey manure and tall scorpion-ridden grass of his front yard to the rocky dirt trail that passes through the village.  However, because it is so dangerous for him, the people now lock his door to keep him from escaping; a prisoner in his own room and broken-body.
         To increase his mobility, Paco and the team brought Don Rey a brand-new donated wheelchair!

         When they arrived to deliver it, the neighbor who cares for Rey asked for their help: for the men on the team to bathe Don Rey and the women to clean his room.  As the men undressed him, Paco
wondered by sight and smell when was the last time he had been bathed!  The women used bleach to disinfect the floor of his room (moving his few possessions to a tiny table, and lifting his bare mattress off the floor).

         The neighbor was so thankful for their selfless care for a complete stranger!  Don
Rey, unfortunately, was a little distant (he appears to have some mental limitations due to his age and isolated condition).

         We plan on continuing to serve Don Rey: planning to build a cement patio where we can move in his wheelchair, and perhaps a bed frame and new mattress for his room.
May he witness the Lord’s love and gift of salvation for him in every act of service!!

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