Thursday, November 9, 2017

Scorpions! (In the harvest)

The Mixteca area is infested with scorpions all year long.  However, many more are seen in the village during these weeks when the people bring their harvest in from the fields to store and dry in their houses and streets. 
Corn is spread and hung inside the houses; red jamaica flowers are laid out to dry in the street.
And, the scorpions come into the village with the harvest.

As Paco and Eliud were moving materials and tools out of the shed one evening, they barely saw one scorpion right beside Paco´s hand as he reached to pick up a bag of cement!  Aaah! 

The rushed to get flashlights to quickly finish the task with
more light, and then praised God for protecting them from a scorpion sting as they worked!  (especially as they had given their only scorpion antidote shot away to a man in need earlier that afternoon!)

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