Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Halloween Children's Evangelism

Halloween is a fairly new holiday in Mexico- becoming more prevalent just in the last decade (when Mexicans usually just celebrate the  more traditional “Day of the Dead” this season).  In our area, trick-or-treaters do not go door-to-door asking for candy, but rather wander the streets asking pedestrians for a coin.  Also, instead of a variety of fun costumes, practically all the children dress as gruesome dead or skeletal figures
(more typical of the “Day of the Dead” tradition here). 


The holiday provided the opportunity for our church plant in Misiones to spread the Gospel in the community.  After service, each brother set out with a bag of candy and children’s Gospel tracts to pass out to the trick-or-treaters on the streets.  We also left tracts outside the church door for anyone to take.  We were very excited to see many children not only take tracts but also stop to read them right there on the street!  Our desire is for the whole community to be filled with the truth of the Gospel!


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