Wednesday, November 9, 2016

“Luther” Movie in Misiones Community

October 31 is “Reformation Day” – commemorating the day when Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the Wittenberg church in 1517.


In remembrance of this important historical event, we presented the movie “Luther” at the church plant in Misiones.  However, to our surprise, none of the brothers of the church
were able to attend the viewing.  But, the Lord has other plans!  Instead, three adults and two children from the community arrived. 


All seemed very interested in the movie, and Paco shared afterwards of the importance of studying the Bible for ourselves to learn the truth of God and salvation.  He invited each family to return to study the Bible with us during our services and also offered to give them each a Bible and a copy of the film to take home.  Each attendee was very excited to have their own Bible and DVD, and seemed intrigued at the idea of studying the Bible for themselves.


We thank for the Lord for this impromptu evangelistic opportunity to reach these families with the truth of the Bible!

Halloween Children's Evangelism

Halloween is a fairly new holiday in Mexico- becoming more prevalent just in the last decade (when Mexicans usually just celebrate the  more traditional “Day of the Dead” this season).  In our area, trick-or-treaters do not go door-to-door asking for candy, but rather wander the streets asking pedestrians for a coin.  Also, instead of a variety of fun costumes, practically all the children dress as gruesome dead or skeletal figures
(more typical of the “Day of the Dead” tradition here). 


The holiday provided the opportunity for our church plant in Misiones to spread the Gospel in the community.  After service, each brother set out with a bag of candy and children’s Gospel tracts to pass out to the trick-or-treaters on the streets.  We also left tracts outside the church door for anyone to take.  We were very excited to see many children not only take tracts but also stop to read them right there on the street!  Our desire is for the whole community to be filled with the truth of the Gospel!


“The Greatest Journey” Children´s Bible Teacher training

“Operation Christmas Child” is about more than just giving shoebox gifts to children at Christmas; the ministry also offers material to disciple those children with the truth of the Bible in 12 weeks of classes.


As part of the OCC (“Operation Christmas Child”) team, we have the opportunity to train childrens’
teachers from churches around our state to impart Bible classes.


We walk them through both the children’s workbook and teacher’s manual of “The Greatest Journey” (the OCC discipleship material), and then demonstrate a children’s class.  They also receive a workshop of preparing their own Bible lessons so that they can continue to teach the children after the 12 week program ends. 


I love this ministry!  A lady approached me after the last training session to thank us- she said she was a brand-new Bible teacher and felt more prepared to teach after our workshop. 


Our OCC team will host 4 of these sessions before Christmas, in order to train sufficient Bible teachers for all
the children who receive Christ through the shoebox ministry.   



“QuinceaƱera”(15 years) Celebration in Misiones

A girl’s 15th birthday is an important milestone in Mexican culture- and celebrated with a grand, almost-wedding style, ceremony and reception: big dress, cake, ring, flowers, meal, etc.  However, for Andrea this tradition was a financial impossibility. 


Andrea and her father, Gerardo,
accepted Christ at an evangelistic event in April, and have been faithfully congregating and studying the Bible with us ever since.  We have marveled to witness their faith and obedience grow over these months.  For Gerardo, work has been scarce, though he joyfully states that the lull in work has allowed him more time to study his Bible J.  When our small church family heard that Andrea could not celebrate her 15th birthday, the
body rallied together to throw our own party for her.


Each church member sponsored a part of the celebration: a new dress, the tiara, the flowers, the cake, the meal, the ring, the Bible, the decorations…

The ceremony affirmed Andrea’s commitment to Christ in her now
adult life and flooded her with verses to direct her steps as a young woman.


Andrea and her family were amazed at the love of the church family to celebrate her!  Andrea’s mother even started attending services with us- marveling at this group of strangers who would provide for her daughter.  Also, a few of Gerardo’s non- Christian family members attended the ceremony- where they heard the Gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ proclaimed.  We pray that celebration would affirm Andrea in her future walk with Christ and draw her whole family to the God of love and provision.