Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Search for Churches Around Tlaxcala

         September marks the start of the 2016-2017 “Operation Christmas Child” season!  The ministry here begins with a search for local churches around our state that will deliver the shoeboxes and Gospel to the children of their communities. 


         Finding churches in Tlaxcala is not as easy as opening a telephone
directory: the search involves driving through every city, town, and village and asking the local people for “evangelicals” (or “hallelujahs” as they are often known).  The search is often slow- on dirt roads, dead ends, poorly marked streets, and cattle crossings!


        Though it is a tedious process, it
is a great way to know the different people and needs of areas around our state.  On this search, Paco even found a community that speaks another dialect besides Spanish.


         One specific community touched his heart on this search: El Pilar is a small, dirt-road town without a church, but with one family of
Christians who attend church in a neighboring city.  The mother received Paco excitedly, asking if he had material for children’s classes, because her daughter leads small vacation Bible school classes for the community children at their home.  Paco was pleased to announce the Operation Christmas Child offered exactly that!- material for them to evangelize and disciple the children of their community! 


        This ministry offers the opportunity for believers (even with little education and low income) the materials to extend the Kingdom of God in their church-less communities!

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