Tuesday, September 20, 2016

New Believer's Study in Misiones

Paco started a discipleship study for new believers at our church plant in the Misiones community.  Though our small church only includes two local families at this moment, they will be firmly planted in the truth of the Bible!


The study includes weekly Bible reading, verse memorization, and questions for each participant to do at
home, as well as group discussion and teaching.


Even in the first few classes, we have witnessed the work of the Holy Spirit! 

-The very first study reviewed the basics of the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ, and asked the question: When did you receive salvation?  Even the believers who
had supposedly spent years in the faith were confronted by the question and some renewed their commitments to Christ!

-Gerardo, who accepted Christ just this April, has been copying Bible references mentioned in the study in his notebook to remember them.  He also admitted to staying awake to read his Bible a whole night! (he said he was hooked!) 

-Even 14-year old Andrea has participated with enthusiasm with the other adults- answering questions and memorizing Bible verses.


As each believer is encouraged during the study to share their faith with others, we are conducting a “Groceries-Evangelism Outreach” – each participant will have a box of
groceries to give to a family they know in need, as an opportunity to practically share the love of Jesus. 


May each of us at Horizonte Misiones grow through our study of the Word!

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