Monday, December 29, 2014

First-Fruits Festival: Day of Thanks

Though Mexico does not celebrate “Thanksgiving” as a national holiday, at our church we set aside a day of thanks to our Great God for His goodness to us this past year.  We call the celebration the “First-fruits Festival”- based on the biblical celebration when God’s people would bring the first fruits of their harvest as a thanks offering to the Lord. 

During the service, each family stood
and gave testimony to God’s faithfulness during the previous year and brought a thanks-offering of canned goods as evidence of God’s provision (we laughingly commented that we “harvest” our offerings at the grocery store!).  There were many teary eyes during our time of
testimonies- remembering all that the Lord had done for each family in the past months.  One visitor even commented to me afterwards: “You sure are a weepy group! But seem to be one big family
J  We then enjoyed a big potluck meal together afterwards- much like a
Mexican Thanksgiving meal!

All the groceries collected were then distributed among families in need in and around our congregation.  Paco and I had the joy of delivering these gifts, and witnessing how the families would marvel at God’s
love and provision for them (through the church- Christ’s body). 


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