Monday, December 29, 2014

December Baptisms!!

Yes, our church held baptisms in December; and yes, the water was very (very!) cold. 

After finishing our new believers’ discipleship study in November, a few of the believers were anxious to obey
the Lord’s command to baptized and publically proclaim their new life in Him.  We thought, “Why wait any longer?  We won’t let a little cold weather stand in the way of obedience to the Lord!” 

The church rented a small
public pool for our Sunday morning gathering. The group was especially joyful- out in the sunshine and together celebrating our brothers in Christ.  We enjoyed poolside worship songs, Paco shared a biblical message about baptism, and 6 brothers were baptized (4 adults, 2 youth). 

We were especially joyful that Daniel, age 15, was baptized.  His father, Osbaldo, one of our church leaders, remains unjustly imprisoned. Though Dani wished his father could have been present at his baptism, it was his father’s faithfulness to the Lord in his
trial and imprisonment that encouraged him to commit his own life to the Lord publically. 

Afterwards (as Paco and the other wet brothers dried in the sun J) the church shared a picnic and play time in the connecting park.  The whole
event was a beautiful testimony of God’s love and goodness.


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