Thursday, October 30, 2014

Parents´ Workshop: Children and Technology

With the abundance of modern technology, children and youth spend their day skipping from one screen to the next: from TV shows to videogames to internet surfing to cell phone texting to hours on Facebook. 

Our church hosted a parents´ workshop to discuss how to apply Scriptural commands to parents to our technology-focused world.  Studying Proverbs 22:6 “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it,” we asked the question: How
can a parent train their child in godly use of technology at their fingertips?

Our workshop was very blessed!  Each parent shared ideas and situations from their own experiences, to enrich our discussion and conclusions.  We were also pleased at three parents attended who are not part of the church, and could see for themselves the
application of God´s truth in life. 

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