Thursday, October 30, 2014

Evangelism Course with Youth Group

During September and October, our youth group has been studying and practicing evangelism: sharing our faith in Jesus Christ with others.  Using the evangelism basic training course developed by Living Waters, we have studied Scripture to learn how Jesus presented the Gospel to others, memorized Bible verses to use in evangelism, recited the Ten Commandments of God’s law, watched video examples of conversations about
the faith, and practiced evangelizing in partners. 

Each week we give 10 gospel tracts (o pamphlets) to each youth to distribute during the week- either among family, at school, or on the street.  They even ask us for more each

One Saturday, we walked around town as a group distributing tracts and talking about Jesus.  By God’s grace, one couple recognized they needed Jesus as their Savior, and even asked where they
could attend church and learn more.  The very next day, Paco and I picked them up to take them to Sunday service with us.  What a blessing from the Lord that the youth could see fruit of their evangelism efforts our first day giving our tracts!

Paco and I have loved the course! We have already seen a new perspective in the youth since starting the study.  In the process of learning to share their faith with others, the youth have understood at a whole new level why they themselves need a Savior and
follow Jesus- affirming their own faith.    


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