Wednesday, January 1, 2014

"Living Waters" Evangelism Conference

On November 1st and 2nd, "Living Waters" hosted an evangelism conference in Puebla, Mexico. Many pastors and congregants from various churches in the region attended, including our youth group and members of our local congregation in Tlaxcala.

This region has a great need for the truth of the Gospel. Puebla, Mexico is  full humanistic ideas (a.k.a. City of Ideas), idols, and false-religious traditions. The very weekend of the evangelism event, an atheism conference by Richard Dawkins  was also being held, as well as the traditional  ‘Day of the Dead’ holiday which Mexicans celebrate with altars in their homes giving offerings to the deceased.

In the midst of much idol and demon worship, God did an amazing work in Puebla during the conference as the biblical gospel and evangelism were taught and proclaimed over a three day period! People came up in tears after the teachings, including two pastors lamenting that they themselves had failed the ‘Good Person Test’ realizing they were guilty according to God’s standards and admitted that they had not been teaching the people in their church what they should be teaching.  Our youth and church group were reminded of the dire importance of and Biblical command to share the Gospel, and were better trained to evangelize in our area. 

We thank God for these conferences, and continue to pray that God would draw many to Himself in this region, turning them from idols to serve the true and living God!

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