Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Children´s Festival in CHIGNAHUAPAN Mission

Our church leads a small mission 2 hours away in Chignahuapan, Puebla.  Though it consists of only one family so far, brothers visit weekly to lead a Bible study at their home. 

This Christmas, we hosted an evangelistic children´s festival for the Chignahuapan children, to bring them to joyous Christmas message of Jesus coming into their lives.  This event was just one of five festivals in which we participated along with two other local churches. 

Though we expected only 40 children, we had 55 attend! and many parents!  All heard the Gospel message of salvation through Christ- through the youth skit, the dialogues of the dressed characters, and the Gospel-centered activities (a worship song choreography, Bible bingo, Heaven board game, ring-toss, and "sin"-covered heart-cookie decorating). Plus, each child received a Christmas gift from "Jesus" as a symbol of His love for them.   

I marveled to see the one Christian family in Chignahuapan go above-and-beyond what was expected to make the event possible- arranging for the auditorium, preparing breakfast and dinner for our youth group, providing decorations, inviting the children, etc.  The Lord is definitely forming in them a heart of service.  We trust that He is moving to raise up His church in the children and adults of Chignahuapan!

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