Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Celebrating Youth Service at Children's Festivals

Our youth group worked hard to make our 5 children's events possible- learning choreographies, practicing the evangelistic skit, making posters, decorating, and more.  We are so proud of and thankful for them!!

As a show of our thanks to them and to the Lord for the work in the children's festivals, we had a youth celebration.  Each youth had the opportunity to give a testimony of how they had witnessed God working in the lives of the children in the events.  3 of the youth boys even teared-up remembering the joy of the children upon receiving their gifts! They were definitely impacted by the Lord's power at these events.

After our time of testimony and thanks to the Lord, we prepared a "Disk-ada"- an iron disk skillet over a bonfire filled with all types of meat (hot dogs, ham, ground beef, bacon, sausage, steak pieces).  The youth had a blast around the bonfire, and ate meat in tortillas until stuffed! 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

FESTINIÑOS Children Festival at our Church!

Festiniños- our evangelistic Christmas children´s event, was held at our church on January 4th. 

The entire congregation spent months in preparation for the event- praying for the children, making costumes, practicing the youth skit and choreography, purchasing the snacks and materials.  It was awesome to see the whole congregation united and actively working to expand the Kingdom of God!

Samaritan´s Purse blessed us with 80 gifts for the children, and, amazingly, exactly 80 children came!!  Each was given a gift as a symbol of Jesus´ love and gift of salvation for them.

These 80 children rotated though 5 different stations of activities and dialogues of Christmas characters, where they heard over and again the Gospel message of salvation in Jesus Christ.  They were also invited, along with their parents, to join us regularly on Sundays to continue learning about Christ.

Amazingly, the very next day, 50 of the 80 children arrived at church for Sunday School.  May the Lord continue to disciple these little children that He has called, and guide us as a church to minister to them!!

Children´s Festival in CHIGNAHUAPAN Mission

Our church leads a small mission 2 hours away in Chignahuapan, Puebla.  Though it consists of only one family so far, brothers visit weekly to lead a Bible study at their home. 

This Christmas, we hosted an evangelistic children´s festival for the Chignahuapan children, to bring them to joyous Christmas message of Jesus coming into their lives.  This event was just one of five festivals in which we participated along with two other local churches. 

Though we expected only 40 children, we had 55 attend! and many parents!  All heard the Gospel message of salvation through Christ- through the youth skit, the dialogues of the dressed characters, and the Gospel-centered activities (a worship song choreography, Bible bingo, Heaven board game, ring-toss, and "sin"-covered heart-cookie decorating). Plus, each child received a Christmas gift from "Jesus" as a symbol of His love for them.   

I marveled to see the one Christian family in Chignahuapan go above-and-beyond what was expected to make the event possible- arranging for the auditorium, preparing breakfast and dinner for our youth group, providing decorations, inviting the children, etc.  The Lord is definitely forming in them a heart of service.  We trust that He is moving to raise up His church in the children and adults of Chignahuapan!

Children's HOSPITAL Christmas Visit

On December 23rd, our church joined with a ministry in Puebla to bring Christmas joy and the love of Christ to the Puebla Children's Hospital (Hospital para el Niño Poblano). 

Dressed as Christmas characters (stars, angel, shepherd, donkey, innkeepers), armed with Samaritan's Purse gifts, and bearing the message of hope in Christ, we visited the bedside of each of the children in the hospital- from the ER to oncology to even the burn-ward. 

The children were so excited!  One child was kept in isolation, behind a glass door, but every time we passed he waved excitedly through the glass.  The parents, at their children's bedside, were so appreciative!  They thanked us abundantly, and gladly received us to pray for their children and share with them the message of Christ's love. 

Outside the hospital, the Gospel message was preached, and tables were arranged with hot-chocolate, tamales, soup, cookies, and donated clothes for the family members in the hospital waiting areas.  I don't know where all the food and clothes came from!  People in trucks kept arriving to drop off more food- obviously loving brothers from other congregations who also have a heart for the ministry. 

What a joy to bring hope to such a sad place, just as Jesus did being born in our dark, hopeless world the first Christmas! 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Christmas Dinner with Church Family!

Our church family gathered together to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus- the very reason for our fellowship as brothers in Him!

As in past years, the special Christmas service and dinner were held at the home of the pastor.  However, this time, we were very crowded.  The Lord has definitely blessed and grown His church in this past year- we are a bigger group.  

However, being shoulder-to-shoulder with brothers in the faith is nothing to regret- praise God!  We enjoyed the close fellowship and feeling of friendship and family!  

Amazingly, the Lord multiplied our meal to not only feed the over 80 people in attendance, but also have left-overs of everything.  How awesome is our God?!