Saturday, February 3, 2018

Visiting OCC Events around Tlaxcala State

After unloading the shoeboxes from the big Operation Christmas Child truck, Paco and I have the joy of visiting all the OCC events in participating churches around the state of Tlaxcala.

Such a variety of events!- some in small villages, others in cities;
some in established churches, others in church plants just starting; some with 200 children, others with 50 children; some inside, some outside… but all with prepared with love for the children and for our Lord!

The children are all so thankful
and pleased with their shoebox gifts!  (Because I look obviously American, many children come up to personally thank me for their gift. I remind them that it is not from me, but from Jesus who loves and knows them!)

This year I was touched by one
boy, Antonio, age 7, who, after opening his shoebox, approached to ask me what a little box was that he had received.  I explained that it was a toothbrush holder.  He face immediately dropped: “But I don’t have a toothbrush.” Praying, I started to search through his shoebox with him
(thinking: surely whoever packed a toothbrush holder packed a toothbrush as well!)- and, sure enough, we pulled out a new toothbrush and toothpaste.  Antonio was thrilled!  He immediately opened his toothbrush to store it inside his new toothbrush holder.

Though the gifts are exciting, the most important part of each event is the presentation of the Gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ.  The children will lose/break/outgrow/finish their shoebox gifts, but the gift of eternal salvation and peace and hope in the Lord will never ever fade. 

Some of the participating churches do not have much experience in presenting the Gospel to children in a visual,
concise, easy-to-understand way. In those churches, I had the honor of sharing the Good news with the children in the event!  What a joy to spread the precious gift of Jesus Christ to so many children!

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